

gestionale per manutenzione macchinari

Non si vede ma si cura

Sheffield: 34enne di Mesagne trovato morto in un parco, indagine per ipotesi di omicidio Polizia inglese

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Il rinvenimento ieri all’alba in un parco di Sheffield. Il 34enne Carlo Giannini, originario di Mesagne, risiedeva in Inghilterra. Il riconoscimento del corpo è avvenuto nelle scorse ore. I familiari sono stati avvisati. Rispetto alla prima comunicazione pubblica nel sito internet della polizia locale non ci sono variazioni da quella affermazione “murder investigation”: indagine per omicidio.

Dal sito della South Yorkshire Police (immagine compresa):

A murder investigation has been launched after the body of a man was found this morning (Thursday 12 May) in a Sheffield park.

We were called at about 5.05am by a member of the public to report that they had found the body of a man while walking in Manor Fields Park, off City Road.

He is yet to be identified, and officers are working to establish who he is.

At this time, a police cordon remains at the site. The whole park remains closed off, and people are asked to please avoid the area while officers continue their work. We appreciate your patience while the investigation work continues.

Anyone with information which could assist with our enquiries, who may have seen or heard any suspicious activity around the park between last night (Wednesday 11 May) and this morning, or who may have CCTV footage which captured any helpful footage, is asked to call 101, quoting incident number 122 of 12 May.

You can also upload any supporting evidence and pass information on to investigating officers by using the MIPP portal link set up for this investigation by clicking here.

Alternatively, you can stay completely anonymous by contacting the independent charity Crimestoppers via their website or by calling their UK Contact Centre on 0800 555 111.

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